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Parent's Blog

Parent's Blog

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Editor's Picks

Willow Allen: From Christian School, to Modelling, to Social Work

By Timothy Lenko

One student's journey meeting Christ and finding the place where her gifts and his heart overlap.

Sharing Your Faith Without Losing It

By Joel Houston

A theology professor reflects on the complications and riches to be found in practicing Christian apologetics.

The Local Church and You

By Timothy Lenko

Christian higher education can never replace the time students spend in a local church. That’s why we encourage every student to find a church in the area that they can call home. The reasons are many but here are the prominent ones.

How to Model a Faith Worth Keeping

By Sid Koop

Both the Renegotiating Faith and Hemorrhaging Faith studies found that what was modelled within the family unit had a profound effect on the faith formation of the next generation. Here are some key ways to model authentic faith for your kids.

How to Give Young People the Right Advice

By Kaitlyn Cey

Many would-be adult mentors find mentoring intimidating. Kaitlyn Cey offers a practical guide to giving young people advice as they find their faith and their footing.

3 Ways to Help Our Kids Into Adulthood

By Sid Koop

Will my kids ever reach adulthood? What can I do to help? Sid Koop tackles the questions parents ask with the help of recent Canadian research.



College Chaplain Jason Wendel and Professor Joel Houston host a live webinar to cap off their conversation about predestination and atonement.

College Chaplain Jason Wendel and Matt Blackaby look at Matthew 13 and discuss how the Kingdom of Heaven is worth more than everything we have.

Briercrest College chaplain Jason Wendel and Matt Blackaby discuss the radical call to discipleship in Luke 14.

Jason and Matt take a look at Jesus' prayer in Gethsemane and what it means for Jesus to pray that not His will, but the Father's be done.

More Podcasts

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Showing 11 to 21 of 30 posts.


School After Quarantine: How BCA got back to Building Community During COVID-19

Teacher Cheryl Crocker reflects on returning to the classroom during an entirely different year.


7 Career-long Skills You'll Gain at Briercrest

In the modern job market, the skills required are changing rapidly. Briercrest programs draw from different academic, artistic, and theological areas to form an interdisciplinary education that helps you gain essential career-long skills. Here's how!


Jennifer Woo: Thoughts from the "Front Lines"

Jennifer Woo, BCA alumna, reflects on her experience working in a psychiatry hospital in 2020 and her hope in Christ.


Why a Christian Gap Year Will Give You the Spiritual Foundation You're Looking For

The Kaléo program is a Canadian Christian gap-year program on Vancouver Island focused on leadership, academics, ministry, community, and adventure. Read about the difference a year at Kaléo can make in your walk with God below!


How BCA Helped Me Build a Foundation for Life

BCA alumna Jennifer Woo ('10) reflects on the meaningful ways that God used BCA to shape her life and prepare her for her future.


Yes, We Do Chapel Daily at Briercrest. Here's Why it Matters.

Daily chapels have become almost non-existent, even at Christian colleges and universities. But at Briercrest, we believe that chapel is a vital part of our daily spiritual formation. Here's why the opportunity to gather daily for chapel matters.


What Does it Mean to Study from a Christian Perspective?

Why does it matter to study the Bible alongside other disciplines like Psychology, English, Music, or Business? Short answer: because it makes your education not only informational but also transformative. Read more!


What is Community at Briercrest Really Like?

What does community at Briercrest really look like? Student writer William Dmytrow explores this question through five main areas we see community at Briercrest.


What is Discipleship at Briercrest Really Like?

You know you want to grow in your faith. But what can you expect when you set foot on campus? Hear our College Chaplain explain how discipleship actually happens on campus at Briercrest.


How Outdoor Adventure Changed My View of God for the Better

The Kaléo program is a gap-year program focused on leadership, academics, ministry, community, and adventure. Read about the difference the outdoor adventure component of Kaléo can make in your walk with God below!