For Students

New College Students

Welcome to the Briercrest College student body!

You’re likely wondering, “Okay, so what’s next?” Well, you’re at the right place.

We want you to have an amazing start to your college years, so this page provides all the important information to help you make the transition to Briercrest. Take a moment to explore the resources available, and get ready to start your college journey with confidence. 

On this page, you will find...

Student life


When do I need to arrive on campus?
Check-in day is Monday, September 2, 2024. Orientation is on Tuesday, September 3, and classes begin on Wednesday, September 4.

Key Dates

What are the important dates I need to know?
You can plan the important dates of the semester, including travel (fall and Christmas break); see our online list of Key Dates and Deadlines.


What is a MyBriercrest account, and what do I use it for?
Your MyBriercrest account will get you into all the online systems you’ll access as a Briercrest student.

  • Briercrest Live: This is for signing up for classes, viewing your detailed financial summary, and choosing your meal plan.
  • Canvas (available in late August): Accessing course information, submitting assignments, and interacting with professors and classmates.
  • MyBriercrest email: Your official student email account for sending and receiving academic and student life emails.
  • Downloading Microsoft Office: Installing Microsoft Office 365 (free!) on your devices.


What are my student fees, and how do I pay them?
You can estimate your cost of attendance using our online Cost Calculator. Once you have registered for classes, you can view your Financial Summary (that is what we call the place to look at how much you owe), by logging into your Briercrest Live account and choose “Finance”, “Financial Summary”. Please be aware that as we get closer to the start of school, the more complete your balance owing for the fall semester will be (as your courses, residence, and meal plan are added).

Student accounts are due in full on the first day of classes in September and January. You can opt to pay in two payments per semester, with 50% on the first day of classes, with the remainder due by October 15 for the Fall semester. The winter semester dates are the first day of classes in January and February 15. See the Payment Information and the Online Payments pages of our website for more information.


How do I sign up to live in dorm?
You will have the opportunity to fill out a Student Residence Application form, which provides us with information that will be used to assign students to a room in residence. Lots more information about the College Residence program and a list of Frequently Asked Questions can be found on the College Residence website.

Meal Plans

How do I pick my meal plan?
There are 7 meal plan options, and you'll be able to sign up for your meal plan in mid-July. Watch a tutorial video from our Admissions team below, and see the cost breakdown details.



What are the important places around the Briercrest campus?
Check out the virtual map of our Briercrest campus at



Choosing classes

How do I register for my classes?
Course registration for the fall semester begins in mid-April and for the winter semester in mid-October. Once their confirmation deposit is received, new students can register for their upcoming classes.

Your Admissions Advisors will have instructions and recommendations, but you can check out the First Year Course Tips and Recommendations to better understand the process.

Study tips

Are there some tips I can learn about how to succeed academically at the college?
Yes! Check out "Embarking on the Journey – 5 Tips to a Good Start," which was written by our Academic Resource Centre.


What is a syllabus, and how do syllabi help me with my courses?
Each of your courses has a “syllabus” document which gives many important details about what you’ll need to know and do in order to succeed in the course. Watch this video from our Academic Resource Centre for an explanation of what the many components of a syllabus are.



What are the academic policies I need to be aware of?
The academic calendar (pages 20-33) and the Policies page of our website include many important policies that guide how Briercrest College runs. A couple of the policies that will be helpful to know about from the beginning of your studies are…

  • Class Attendance: Regular attendance in each of your classes is a vital part of the learning process, and so is a requirement for course completion.
  • Final Exams: Students must write their final exams as scheduled. Failure to write a final exam will result in an “F” (0%) for the course.
  • Academic Honesty: Students who cheat on exams, plagiarize, or inappropriately collaborate on assignments of any sort violate the trust placed in them by their instructors, fellow students, and the college. Such actions constitute a breach of academic honesty and will result in serious consequences. We’ve created an Academic Integrity course through Canvas to help equip students in this area.



Briercrest has a great team of staff and faculty who want to help you succeed.

Academic Resource Centre
Admissions and Academic Advising
Health and Counselling Services
Student Development
Student Finance